Another year has come and gone, the holiday season is over. The presents unwrapped in record time, the feast consumed and the holiday waist expansion plan has come to fruition. Now it’s time for the daunting class on storing Christmas and holiday lights. Funny how it is way more fun to put the decorations than taking them down. But in any case, you want to better store your lights and spare yourself detangling them next year.
Sunburst Window Cleaning & Holiday Lighting would like to share a few tips on storing your Christmas lights.
1. First take inventory on the Christmas lights you have. Unfasten the lights and lie them out, on one end have all the male plugs, and on the other should be all the female ends where they plug in. Avoid keeping strands together for this method. You don’t want the strands combined too thick, as it will make storage more difficult.
– Test the strands as you go, detangling the cords as they are straightened out. If the strand doesn’t work, don’t take the time to untangle the ball. Just toss them, no sense in taking up valuable storage space on lights that don’t work.
– If you have perfectly working lights, but the lighting scheme isn’t working for you and you have no more use for them, donate them.
2. Purchase hangers to wrap your Christmas lights. Wired hangers will not do for this project. You need heavy duty plastic or wooden hangers. Not only is this method easy for storing, but it will also you give you the alternative to hanging them. You will need a hanger for every string of lights for simplicity and organization. Wooden hangers are a bit more costly, but are more durable, giving you a longer lasting way to store your lights.
3. There isn’t a set method or technique to wrapping the cords around the hanger. However a few tips are:
– Tape one end of the light strand at the lower right or left hand corner of the hanger using duct tape better aids you in keeping the strands in place.
– When winding the strand around the hanger, keep the cord taut and avoid allowing any slack, as the slack could get tangled. Don’t stretch out the strand, but tighter is better.
– Either duct tape the end or use a rubber band to secure it in place.
4. Store your Christmas light accordingly. If you are storing them in a box, consider placing a flat cardboard in between the layers of lights to further hinder any tangling in storage.
Safety Tips to Storing Christmas Lights:
• Remember to use ladders safely. Be sure they are secure before climbing and don’t over extend your reach.
• Safely remove cords from electrical outlets; don’t yank.
• Roll up any extensions cords and properly store them.